Awa Radio Sailing Pro Carbon Mast

Awa Radio Sailing Pro Carbon Mast
8mm ø base
3mm ø top
1200mm length
Los mastiles Awa International para navegación a radio control (yatemodelismo) son la pieza fundamental que no puede faltar en el aparejo de cualquier equipo de regata de radio sailing y de modalismo naval.
Estos mastiles son producidos mayormente utilizando fibras de carbono pre-impregnadas unidireccional de alto modulo (T700) orientadas longitudinalmente para proporcionar una resistencia maxima en el eje lateral, pero el uso del refuerzo de fibras pre-preg orientado a 90º asegura que el tubo tenga excelente resistencia al aplastamiento, lo que lo hace ideal para aplicaciones del mundo real.
Esta teconologia empleada, es llamada roll wrapped y se refiere al proceso utilizado para fabricar estos tubos. La fibra de carbono pre-preg se coloca primero alrededor de un mandril en capas múltiples. Una vez que el refuerzo está en su lugar, está envuelto en espiral con cinta termocontraíble (esto es lo que da a los tubos enrollados su característica apariencia acanalada) antes de que todo el conjunto se cure al horno.
Awa Radio Sailing Pro Carbon Mast
8mm ø base
3mm ø top
1200mm length
The Awa International Radio Sailing Pro Carbon Mast for radio control sailing race are the fundamental piece that can not be missing in the rig of any radio sailing racing equipment or naval model hobbie ship.
This roll wrapped carbon fibre mast is manufactured predominantly using high modulus (T700) unidirectional prepreg carbon fibre oriented to provide maximum strength in the lateral (length-ways) axis but the use of prepreg reinforcement oriented at 90° also ensures that the tube has good crush-strength; ideal for real-world applications.
The use of unidirectional fibres and maximum strength in the lateral axis does mean that the tube is not strong across its diameter as it is along its length so should be used in such a way as to avoid unnecessary crushing forces across the tube.
The technology used in this masts is called 'roll wrapped' and it refers to the process used to manufacture these tubes. The prepreg carbon fibre is first laid up around a mandrel in multiple layers. Once the reinforcement is in place it is spiral wrapped with heat-shrink tape (this is what gives roll-wrapped tubes their characteristic ribbed appearance) before the whole assembly is oven cured.